Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Heroes Con 2010

Just found out my table assignment for this years Heroes Con in Charlotte! June 4-6, I'll be at table 135 in Artist's Alley. Hopefully this won't change like last year, but I'll post it if it does. If you hit up the website, they are changing the layout from last year, so diagram won't reflect where I'll be. I'm really looking forward to this year's con and hope to have a good time despite losing my table mate Mike Getty to fame and fortune! He's a guest this year so I'm not real sure where his table will be.
Anywho, if you're going to be in there stop by and say 'hey." I'll have plenty of stuff to flip through!


Katt Maiser said...

Fame and fortune are waiting for you around the corner, Blacksack. Hang in there. Your skills are sick!

Unknown said...

Thanks brother!